This is the proud mumma (I think!)... hard to tell when both of the platys look exactly the same!
This is the big brother... well, can't really tell if it's big brother or sista, but I'm calling it brother for the moment. This guy was from the last batch of babies born in the tank. Hard to tell it's size, but the fish at the top of the photo is a neon tetra which is only about 2cm long, if that!
Uncle Rocky, the catfish, doesn't really know what to think of this whole situation. The worrying this is that while we were away on holiday and the last lot of babies were around he suddenly started getting really fat, and the babies started to disappear at a rapid rate. It may just be that he was comfort eating after the loss of the babies.... but me thinks not!
This is one of the new additions to the tank- meet Frank the puffer fish! He's one of 2 puffer fish that we got from the markets on the weekend. Not the greatest photo of him, but since they are so shy at the moment it's hard to get good shots. They're getting much better now though and starting to participate in feeding time... even if the platys do get a little bit obnoxious when there are worms involved.