Dan and I decided that we needed a pet or two here in Bangkok, and after thinking for a while we decided that fish would be the easiest thing we could give up when we went back to Australia. So after getting a great tank from the fish store, and waiting a week for the water to settle we finally have fish!! Mine is a gorgeous little siamese fighting fish, and we have no idea what Dan has because the name on the tank was written in Thai! But his two are definitely entertaining, considering they keep trying to beat the hell out of each other! We had a particularly scary moment last night when the two actually locked lips for about 20 seconds and they wouldn't let go! They are now sulking at opposite ends of the tank... probably trying to recover! Next week we'll get another couple of fishies... probably a catfish to take care of the algae in the tank (and because they are cool) and probably some tetras so that we have some nice schooling fish. We'll see :)

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