Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Times a wastin'

The comment about my "do-able" 10 things to do list is right on the money.... I guess I'd rather set goals that I know I might be able to achieve than to put unrealistic expectations on myself. I know you should aim high and whatever, but I'm more of a "safe" person who likes to pass something small well than fail spectacularly along the way. It's always been my biggest fear in life... failure. I'm not sure if it's something that I've gotten from my parents, or maybe just something about the insecurity of people not "liking" you if fail... I guess this is where my competitiveness comes in. But on the otherhand, I don't let the fear of failing something, or being bad at something, stop me from giving it a go. I've found that a lot of the things I am really crap at have given me heaps of laughs, or taught me something. I could have put things like "Climb Mt Everest" or "Break a world record" or something like that, but I'm happy with what I've got :).... Besides.... Finishing my thesis is the only thing I want to do right at this moment!!!

1 comment:

Chris Petersen said...

At least you have a list, and a good one at that. I don't think I've made a list like that since I was in high school, and it's most likely fear of failure that I haven't made one since. I think it's a very constructive excercise. I'd like to learn to surf and maybe if I had a list like yours I probably would have at least started by now. Maybe I should start out with an ultra easy list - with things like "remember to eat breakfast tomorrow" and then I can slowly get more brazen.