Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Well, this has been a wonderful waste of a day.... I had a stack of things that needed to be done and I've only managed to achieve one of them! I guess it's better (marginally) than nothing.

Noticing that everyone has been doing a bit of soul searching lately... me included. So many people have been asking me what I want to do once I've finished my PhD.... I have no idea! I know what I don't want to do, but it doesn't really help me with what I DO want to do! It's giving me the shits actually... In high school all I wanted to do was to become a vet... that petered out eventually, so now I've ended up doing a PhD in geology! How on earth did I get here? I guess it's become something to be interested in, but I'm not too sure how long I want to do it for. Of course I want to get out there and earn some of this money that everyone else in the industry seems to be earning, and I want to put my 8 years (!) of uni to good use, but exactly what that is just yet, I don't know. The future seems pretty uncertain right now... the only thing I do know is that I want to keep the love of my life IN my life, and if that means taking a big adventure to Thailand next year then that's what I'll be doing.

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